About Frinton Residents' Association
Founded in 1962.
The Committee
Currently, including Officers, we have twelve Committee members:
President: Gillian Sanford (Frinton in Bloom)
Chair: Neil Churcher (Health)
Vice Chair Alan Eldret (Planning)
Honorary Secretary: Kay English
Honorary Treasurer: Geoff Harris
Committee Members
Colin Knights: (McGrigor Hall Committee)
Michael Talbot: (Planning and Environment)
Jane Northover: (Environment - Seafront/Dog Watch)
Clint Strutt: (Environment - Pavements and Potholes)
Penny Everett: (Website Administrator)
We are always happy to hear from members who would like to join the Committee and currently we have several vacancies. If you are a Frinton Resident and you are interested in becoming a Committee member, we would very much like to hear from you. Please contact us and a Committee member will contact you.
Committee Members' Responsibilities
It is not essential for a Committee member to take on specific responsibilities, but many do. Some members attend other local group meetings, which then gives them the opportunity to report back to the Committee on issues affecting these other groups. This enables the Committee to keep in touch with what's going on and help to progress local issues whenever possible and deemed appropriate. Members of our Committee also have meetings with local Planners and Councillors.
All Committee members give their time free of charge in order to help the Association in its efforts to fulfil its aims and objectives and meet the needs of the community.
Local Aims and Objectives
- The aim of The Frinton Residents' Association is to work through Frinton's duly elected Councillors by presenting valid and measured details of local problems for their considered action. In order to do this, the Association liaises with as many other voluntary groups within Frinton as possible.
- In many ways, the Association tries to keep alive the spirit and impetus of the Frinton Environmental Action Committee (FEAC 1994 - 2002) and has based some of its own specific objectives on the issues raised by that Committee. FEAC was an extraordinary and very successful initiative undertaken by local, committed people in order to define and to promote the key features of Frinton. In fact, without its efforts, the Clock Tower on the Greensward may never have been rebuilt.
- To help ensure the unique environment of Frinton is maintained, the Association continually reviews the topics listed on our Current Issues page. If you would like to make your views known on any issues, the Current Issues page also provides a subject specific email facility.
- The Association was represented on the Project Board for the Re-generation of Connaught Avenue, and carried out a consultation of residents' views in 2016 on Connaught Avenue and is also involved in the discussions on the licensing of street furniture in this area. Another project of particular concern is promoting awareness that dog owners should keep their dogs on leads when walking them on the promenade and not take them on dog-free beaches in the summer months from 1st April to 30th September. The Association is also involved in helping the Frinton Businessses Group with their Campaign to Support local businesses, as well as backing the Local Council initiative to improve the facilities available in the area for young people. We will also continue to monitor the surrounding roads with regard to congestion, speed, pedestrian crossings etc.
- Topics that concern the people of Frinton vary enormously in complexity. Some are very straightforward and may only require one Committee Member, or active Association Member, to monitor the situation and inform the appropriate Councillor, or indeed, the Town Council, whereas others require a more measured approach.
National Aims and Objectives
The Frinton Residents' Association also works closely with the National Organisation of Residents' Association on matters of a far more reaching nature, and supports the aims and objectives of this Association which are:
- to promote the common interests of residents who live in towns and cities in England, as defined by their respective associations;
- to provide a forum for member associations to express opinions and concerns;
- to draw attention to developments which may affect the quality of life in the town;
- to represent the interests of members in discussions with local, regional and national authorities and other organisations;
- to monitor and comment on major issues affecting the quality of life of residents, including planning, licensing, cultural activities, community safety and policing.