
Frinton Residents' Association - Current Issues

The Committee works with local Councillors representing Frinton & Walton Town Council, Tendring District Council and Essex County Council, together with other groups to help address local matters which are of interest to residents.


Further information on issues can be accessed by clicking on the relevant link in the list below.

Some of the serious issues which we have been currently working on are:

Other issues:

If you would like to email your comments, or require further information regarding the issues listed, please contact us.

The Tendring Local Plan

The Tendring District Local Plan is an important document as it guides Officers, Councillors, tDevelopers and Public on where and how development can take place. It includes policies on issues such as agreed development boundaries,conservation areas, green gaps between settlements, acceptable practices, policies on Town Centres and sites for commercial development as well as much more.

More information is available on the Tendring District Council website.

The Dangerous State of Local Pavements and Roads

The FRA continues to place pressure on Essex County Council (ECC) to maintain and repair footways and potholes in our town. Whilst ECC has undertaken work on some of the areas reported there is still more work to be done. Residents who wish to report dangerous pavements and potholes can do so by clicking on this link to the Essex County Council Fault Reporting website.

Last year members of the FRA Committee undertook a street by street survey of footways and potholes, and reported defects to ECC . This exercise will be repeated again to ensure that ECC have an up to date list of essential repairs. However the Council’s budget for such repairs is limited meaning that some repairs are prioritised over others.

Street Lighting

The FRA has long since campaigned for suitable lighting at night in the town, including retaining the 'coronet' style of lamps which are unique to Frinton-on-Sea. It was agreed with ECC to retain the 'coronet-style' of lamp in the Conservation Area, although a more modern style of lamp is replacing some in other areas. Residents are asked to let the FRA know of any lamps that are not working, or those within the Conservation Area that are not coronet-style.


The FRA has a dedicated "Tree Warden" on the Committee. Working with local Councillors Frinton now has a stump removal and tree replacement programme. Many new trees have recently been planted and the FRA will continue to campaign for better tree management going forward.

For more information on trees or to enquire about a replacement tree residents should go to

Improvements to the shopping area of Connaught Avenue

The FRA has for sometime asked Essex County Council to consider banning lorries and delivery vehicles over a certain width from entering Connaught Avenue between 10.00 am and 4.00 pm Monday to Saturday particularly as there are service roads behind the shops that could be used.

ECC has previously stated that no changes are possible in Connaught Avenue as it is a "Priority 2 Route providing an essential traffic management distributary function." However the FRA will continue to monitor the situation and refer concerns to ECC accordingly.

Connaught Avenue

Clutter, pigeon droppings and dirty pavements are regularly reported to the TDC Town Centre Co-ordinator who speaks to business owners in an effort to encourage them to keep the areas outside their premises, clean and tidy. The FRA continues to ask the Council to increase its cleansing regime with more frequent jet washing.

Tables and Chairs on the pavement in Connaught Avenue

The town has seen an increase in the number of table and chairs in Connaught Avenue in recent years. The Council has relaxed its policies in this regard with the aim of supporting businesses as part of the post COVID pandemic recovery plan. Overall, the FRA welcomes and encourages an increased "café culture" as it is of benefit to local businesses. However, the FRA has raised concerns about non-licensing of this activity, which is contrary to the town's bye laws. More and more street clutter is appearing outside shops, which can be problem for people with health conditions or impairments.

The FRA continues to seek clarification on their policies regarding licensing of table and chairs in order to better manage the space used and what can be placed on the public highway – as ever, it is important the strike the right balance.

Horses being ridden on the grass on The Greensward and using public footpaths to reach the beach

As a result of the efforts of the FRA, the byelaw stating that horses are not to be ridden on The Greensward has been added to the sign at the bottom of Connaught Avenue, and it will now be possible for members of the public to refer horse riders to this notice. Horses are allowed to be ridden on the beach, but we have asked for information to be placed on horse riders' websites asking that they use the path (which is also suitable for motor vehicles) at the bottom of Third Avenue to get directly to the ramp that leads down onto the sand, and that they avoid riding horses on the beach at busy times.

The FRA have produced a card which our Committee members hand out to those parking horse boxes on The Esplanade, asking for their assistance to help ensure that neither horses, their riders, nor pedestrians are at risk. This refers to the byelaw, and additionally states, "Please do not use the public footpaths to reach the beach as these are often narrow, steep, winding, and dangerous not only for horses and their riders, but also for those pedestrians who meet horses coming down these paths, or are walking on the Promenade. There is an adequate roadway down to the beach, opposite the bottom of Third Avenue, which ends in close proximity to a ramp leading directly onto the sand."

Damage to Grass Verges

Information is passed on to TDC of occurrences where grass verges have been damaged either by developers' vehicles, or by cars parking on the grass.


The FRA continues to lobby Tendring District Council and agencies such as North Essex Parking Partnership (NEPP) to undertake more stringent enforcement of vehicles parked in contravention of the regulations, particularly during the summer months when the number of visitors to the town increases. As part of this, more regulation is needed such as the introduction of double yellow lines at some locations to improve safety.

The feasibility of introducing parking charges has been considered by the Council but this is a complex matter with far-reaching and potentially negative consequences on residents and the town. Residents can report vehicles illegally parked or blocking driveways to NEPP on 01206 282316

Other issues:

1. The Beach, Promenade and Esplanade

1.1: Public Toilets

Over the years the FRA has worked with the respective Councillors to improve toilet facilities in the town. As a result the toilet block on the Esplanade at the junction with Connaught Avenue was built This state of the art facility replaced the previous 70-year-old building and given a five-star rating by the British Toilet Association. The building was designed to be environmentally and user friendly, and provides easy access for the disabled as well as baby-changing facilities.

1.2: Floating Rafts

The Association of Frinton Beach Hut Owners paid for several rafts to be located off the beach at Frinton-on-Sea, together with covering the cost of maintenance and insurance. The first were installed in 2012, and more have been added in subsequent years. These are all removed at the end of each season and put back in position in the Spring of the following year.

1.3: Bye-Laws

Display and enforcement of bye-laws needs to be monitored. Details of those in force in Frinton-on-Sea can be found on the Tendring District Council website, and the Notice Board positioned on The Greensward at the bottom of Connaught Avenue provides details of the bye-laws for the seafront.

1.4: Graffiti

There have been a number of incidences of graffiti on the sea wall and on a large number of beach huts. The Residents' Association has been in discussion with the Association of Frinton Beach Hut Owners and Tendring District Council with regard to its speedy removal, and we can report that action is always taken as quickly as possible.

1.5: Dog Control

Initially, dog fouling was just seen to be a problem on The Esplanade during the summer months, but now there are increasing occurrences during the winter and in other parts of the Town. To help alleviate the problem in a specific area, the Association has previously financed the purchase and installation of an additional Dog Litterbin. The FRA, in discussion with the Council will consider more locations for additional bins to be installed in the future.

To curtail the actions of what is possibly only a few irresponsible dog owners, residents are asked to report any incidents they witness to the Dog Warden on 01255 686766 as dog fouling can be a serious health hazard, especially if it is not cleaned up immediately.

1.6: Cycling

There are certain parts of The Promenade designated "No Cycling" Areas and as a result of discussions with TDC, additional signage has been installed and TDC hase agreed that steps will be taken to enforce these bye laws whenever possible.

1.7: Vehicular Access

The gates allowing vehicular access to The Promenade should be kept locked at all times. Beach hut owners are able to obtain keys to unlock the gates in order to carry out maintenance work during specified hours.

2. The Railway Station and Level Crossing

2.1: Station Maintenance, Security and Operation

This is the responsibility of the new franchisee, Abellio, and Network Rail.

2.2: Level Crossing

The famous 'Frinton Gates' were replaced with a barrier system on 18 April 2009 despite a campaign to retain the Gates mounted by the Frinton Gates Preservation Society (FGPS). Further information on the famous "Gates" is available in a report which covers their history. The famous "Gates" were brought back to Frinton by the Frinton & Walton Heritage Trust, and can be seen to one side of the car park outside Frinton Railway Station.

3. Connaught Avenue

3.1: Shops

As is the case in other small towns, local businesses and shopkeepers in Frinton-on-Sea face many challenges in an uncertain economic climate. Shopping locally helps to support and retain our local shops. The FRA supports the Frinton Businesses Group by encouraging visitors to the town through special events such as street parties and Christmas markets.

4. Traffic

4.1: Speed Limit

Reducing the speed limit in Connaught Avenue to 20mph has been discussed in previous years. However, the classification of road means that the speed limit of 30 mph must remain in place.

4.2: Parking Restrictions

For further information on Parking Restrictions, go to our FAQs page.

4.3: Traffic Lights

Despite strenuous efforts and objections by the FRA the new traffic layout and installation of traffic lights in Halstead Road have been installed. The FRA will continue to monitor the impact of this on our town, particularly during the busy summer months and report observations to Essex County Council.

5. Environment

5.1: Roads, Pavements, Footpaths and Cycle Paths

To report potholes larger than 75mm in any horizontal direction and deeper than 50mm, and paving slabs that are rocking, or more than 2.6 cms out of alignment, go to the Essex County Council Fault Reporting website. Alternatively, telephone 0345 6037631.

5.2: Skips

Skips parked on grass verges or unlit on the streets should also be reported to Essex County Council.

5.3: Waste & Recycling Collections

There is a fortnightly waste collection service andrecycling ofpaper and card one week, and plastic bottles and tins on the alternate week, with food waste collected weekly.

The FRA is also involved in consultation on future Waste Development proposals as although commercial and industrial space is stable, space for domestic waste is running out.

5.4: Garden waste collection

A weekly garden waste collection is now available at a cost of £25 one-off joining fee that includes provision of a brown wheeled bin, and £50 pa thereafter for provision of 25 fortnightly collections a year. To obtain a bin please telephone Tendring District Council on 01255 686877, or email Garden Waste at TDC. Full details are available on the Tendring District Council website.

6. General

6.1: Crime & Public Safety

Anti social behaviour can be reported by dialling 101. In the event of a serious crime or an emergency please dial 999. The FRA continues to lobby the District and Town Council's for greater policing presence in the town during times when it is needed, for example, during bank holidays, evenings and during the busy months of the year.

6.2: Youth Issues

Discussion on these issues take place regularly during meetings with Town, District and County Councillors.

6.3: Planning Applications

Applications affecting Frinton-on-Sea are reviewed by the FRA Planning Team.

6.4: Health Issues

The FRA has previously been involved in discussions regarding an additional surgery in Frinton. but in the current economic climate, it is unlikely that this will be materialise in the very near future. However the FRA will continue to pursue the issue particularly as the population of the town is increasing placing more pressure on the Carodoc Surgery.

A member of the FRA Committee actively works with the Caradoc Surgery as part of the local Patient Participation Group.

6.5: Libraries

The Frinton Library in Old Road is currently open on Tuesdays and Fridays from 9.00 am until 5.30 pm pm, and on Thursday 9 am to 7 pm and Saturdays from 9.00 am until 5.00 pm. It is closed on Mondays, Wednesdays and Sundays.

We are always happy to receive communications from Residents, whether it is to give us good news or to express your concerns on local issues. We would also like to hear from you regarding national issues as we have the opportunity to air our views on such matters via our membership of the National Organisation of Residents' Associations. Therefore, do please contact us.