
Frinton Residents' Association - Constitution

The Frinton Residents Association is a non-profit and non-political organisation representing the views and interests of Frinton residents.

  1. TITLE
  2. The name of the Association shall be "The Frinton Residents' Association".
    It shall be a non-political organisation.

  4. The objectives of the Association are to:

    1. Preserve and enhance the character of Frinton.
    2. Mmonitor planning and environmental matters and issues.
    3. Represent the views of Frinton residents with elected members and officers.
    4. Work with local public bodies to improve the quality of local services.
    5. Promote a greater sense of community by providing information about local issues.
    6. Liaise with other associations/organisations in Frinton about matters of mutual concern and interest and where appropriate and agreed, have reciprocal representation on committees.
    7. Acquire funds to achieve these objectives.

  6. All persons of 16 years of age and over who have a residence in Frinton-on-Sea are eligible for full membership. Those who live outside Frinton who wish to support the Association may become "Friends" of The Frinton Residents' Association by paying an annual donation equivalent to the normal level of subscription. "Friends" have no voting rights but benefit from being able to express their view and receive information that might be of interest to them.

    Subscriptions are payable annually in advance on the 1st January or (within one year of payment of the previous year's subscription, must be agreed at the Annual General Meeting on the recommendation of the Committee.

  8. The officers of the Association, being full members of The Frinton Residents' Association, shall be:

    1. President, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary.
    2. The President, Treasurer and Secretary shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting.
    3. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall be elected by and from among the members of the Committee.
    4. An Officer may receive temporary remuneration at the discretion of the Committee.
    5. The Committee can appoint an elected Committee member to fill any Officer position that becomes vacant until such appointment can be ratified at the next meeting, if required.

    1. The Management of the Association shall be by the Committee who shall have the authority to do all things necessary to carry out the objectives of the Association.
    2. The Committee shall consist of Officers of the Association elected at the Annual General Meeting and not more than 12 other Members of the Committee.
    3. Members of the Committee shall have a tenure of three years, and shall be eligible for re-election at the appropriate Annual General Meeting. Nominations for election should be made in writing, and be signed by two members of the Association and be received by the Secretary not less than ten days before the Annual General Meeting, together with the consent in writing of the nominee to serve. In the event that there being more nominees (not subsequently withdrawn) than vacancies, the election shall be by ballot.
    4. The Committee shall have power to fill any casual vacancy and/or to invite any member to assist it for any special purpose.
    5. Seven Members shall form a quorum. In the absence of The President, Chairman and Vice-Chairman, the Members present shall elect a Chairman for the meeting.
    6. In the event that a vote is taken on an issue resulting in no majority, the Chairman has a second casting vote.
    7. The Secretary, with the agreement of the Chairman, shall have the Authority to call a meeting of the Committee should any of them deem such a meeting to be desirable.

    1. The Treasurer shall receive and bank in the name of the Association, or oversee appropriately, all monies belonging thereto and has the authority of the Committee to pay all accounts and expenses up to £750 on any one item.
    2. Where expenditure exceeds £750 but is less than £1500, approval may be given by the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Treasurer. Such items must be deemed to be in the interests of the Association.
    3. For expenditure of £1500 and over, the Treasurer shall notify the Chairman or Vice - Chairman or Secretary, any one of whom shall convene a meeting of the Committee to decide whether any such expenditure shall be undertaken.
    4. These items shall be paid by cheque or such electronic means as have been approved by the Committee and signed, or authorised, by two officers of the Association. Signatories to all cheques shall be agreed by the Committee and advised to the Bank.
    5. The Treasurer shall keep records of all transactions associated with the accounts. The Treasurer shall prepare a Statement of Accounts to submit to the Auditor.
    6. The Audited Statement of Accounts shall be submitted to the Annual General Meeting for approval.
    7. The Auditors shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
    8. In the event of dissolution of the Association, all funds and assets of the Association shall be disbursed to local charities at the discretion of the Committee.

    1. The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held in the months of March, April or May on a day to be determined by the Committee, when the Chairman shall make a report of the work done by the Association for the year. The Audited Statement of Accounts of the Association shall be submitted to the meeting for approval.
    2. A Special General Meeting may be called at any time on the application in writing (which must state the object for which such a General Meeting is desired), signed by not fewer than twenty Members, or when the Committee deem it desirable.
    3. Thirty Members shall form a Quorum at either the Annual General Meeting or at any Special General Meeting.
    4. Not less than fourteen days' notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be given to all Members and not less than seven for any other General Meeting.
    5. Notice of a proposed resolution to be submitted at the Annual General Meeting shall be sent in writing, duly seconded, to the Secretary not less than seven clear days before the meeting and forty-eight hours in the case of any other General Meeting.
    6. The Resolutions shall be determined by a majority vote. Voting shall be by a show of hands or ballot. Each member shall be entitled to only one vote. The Chairman shall have a second casting vote.

  13. These rules may be added to or amended by resolution (notice of which must be given as above provided) at any Annual or Special General Meeting, provided that no such resolution shall be regarded as passed, unless it be carried by a majority of at least two-thirds of the Members present. The Committee shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of these Rules and the decision of the Committee shall be final and binding.

      Note: The FRA Constituion was amended on 20 April 2019 following presentation to the Members at the Special General Meeting held on 19 April 2019.