Note from the Chairman:

Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who attended the Autumn Open meeting on Saturday 14 October 2023 at McGrigor Hall. I would also like to thank Tammy Blest (Essex Police Fraud Prevention Team), Jake England (North Essex Parking Partnership - NEPP) and David Forster (Frinton Bloom) for their interesting and informative presentations. In addition, I would like to thank elected members for their valuable input on the day and acknowledge their support in helping the Frinton Residents’ Association (FRA) to achieve its goals.

At the meeting I gave an overview of the work that the FRA has undertaken in the last 12 months and outlined key priorities as determined by FRA members. In highlighting concerns and issues affecting the town with respective organisations such as Tendring District Council (TDC), Essex County Council (ECC), Frinton & Walton Town Council (FWTC), North Essex Parking Partnership (NEPP) & Essex Police (EP), the FRA has achieved positive improvements and raised the profile of some of our concerns. For example,

Priority Area Current Position/Action
Kirby Cross (Halstead Road) Traffic Scheme Now the permanent lights are installed the traffic congestion has improved. But the FRA will continue to monitor the situation and raise issues of concern should they arise in future.
Parking The FRA has done considerable work in highlighting the need for more parking patrols particularly during peak times such as weekends, days of good weather and Bank Holidays. The Deputy Chairman has actively engaged with NEPP and met officers from the Council with the aim of improving compliance with the parking regulations and reduce nuisance parking. Other successes include installation of yellow lines around Gun Gardens to improve safety. There is still much work to be done to improve parking in the town and the FRA will continue to press for more resources to be allocated for enforcement and improvements such as more lines and signs.
Pavements & Potholes The FRA has lobbied Essex Highways urging them to undertake repairs to numerous potholes. A list of locations and photographs of potholes are logged, recorded and sent to Essex Highway. Some repairs have been done but we know there is a lot still to do.
Policing The FRA has rigorously campaigned for more policing in the Town and it is hoped the new Chief Inspector will be responsive to the community's needs.
Bye Law Enforcement The FRA has campaigned for better enforcement of our Bye Laws for offences such as no cycling where this is prohibited and clamping down on illegal motorized scooters.
Street Trading Prohibited Streets This is a complex area but the FRA is urging the Council to have better management of table and chairs on the pavement outside commercial outlets, potentially through licensing. We are also trying to get more streets classified as Prohibited streets to stop unwelcome speculative traders.
Ambulance & Fire Service With only one Fire Appliance operating in Frinton and the spate of serious fires in the town in the last year or so, the FRA has lobbied for a more responsive Fire & Ambulance service, and will continue to do so.
Tree Replacement The Association has campaigned and lobbied for a programme of tree replacement. Frinton now has a tree replacement programme.
GP Services A member of the FRA chairs the Patient Participation Group helping to improve GP services for an expanding population.
Planning The FRA scrutinises all planning applications and raise matters of concern on behalf of its members.
Support to other Organisations The FRA has given support to organisations and local Traders with financial contributions towards community events such as the King’s Coronation, the late-night shopping and Frinton in Bloom.

I also gave an overview of the aims and objectives of the FRA, the core values of which remain as relevant today as they have for many years and are listed below.


  • Promote the interests of residents.
  • Provide a forum to express opinions and concerns.
  • Highlight those developments and change that might affect the quality of life in the town.
  • Represent the interests of members in discussion with local, regional, national authorities and other agencies.
  • Monitor and comment on major issues affecting the quality of life of residents including planning, licensing, cultural activities, community safety and policing.

I reminded everyone that the FRA is run by a team of dedicated volunteers, all of whom live in Frinton. The agenda being to maintain the uniqueness of Frinton and lobby for sustainable change to improve the town for the long-term benefit of residents, businesses and visitors.

Whilst it is not within the FRA’s gift to change legislation, and we must remain politically neutral, we will continue to work with elected members, organisations and agencies such as the Police to ensure the voice of our members is heard. The FRA will champion the views of its members at the same time as holding firm to its core values, promoting Frinton as a lovely place to live, work and visit.

Alan Eldret
Chairman - Frinton Residents' Association
Any comments please use the contact us form.